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Old 04-22-2017, 10:09 PM   #31
El Dorado Jim
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Re: Is Chevy engine paint color the same as Hugger Orange?

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
I was under the impression, probably mistakenly, that the VHT orange, for example, was more a mid-60's orange for engines and that the red-orange (either plasti-kote or VHT, I forget) was more the correct color for something like a 72 truck engine. I honestly don't know which is correct - but I've painted both colors and could swear I remember there being a definite difference. Does anyone know, definitively, which is the "correct" orange for a 69-72 engine? As in, based on a factory assembly paint code perhaps (Dave - looks like you may have done this research? Your engine looks great), and, to go one step further, which rattle can matches that "correct" chev truck engine color better - chevy "orange" or "red-orange" rattle can stuff. I'm kinda with Tim on this one - the rattle can stuff is actually pretty good IF the prep work is high quality. To me, the reason the spray gun finishes always seem to look better is because when someone is sinking that much money into the paint, they make sure they prep the block not unlike they'd prep a truck fender - and the results prove it. Prep like that following by patient thin coats of high-tem rattle can engine paint can yield similar results. Let's be honest, rattle canned approaches aren't ALWAYS prepped as meticulously, and so the results kinda get a bad name because of the bad prep jobs. And there's also the law of diminishing returns - as in the 1/3 of engine cost is in paint example, but it is a choice each of us make. I, for one, am all for the extra $ if ya got it to make the engine look nice. So, my hat's off to you Dave - super sharp engine in a super sharp truck, the whole thing is done extremely well. My only point of this post (yes, I know, took me a while to get it) is that it CAN be done pretty darn good with a rattle can, but it's a lot of work. Just like it is for a spray gun finish. Below is one of my favorite engines, and it was rattle canned (Chevy Orange, if I recall). It lasted very well once in the vehicle, a 65 Impala SS. Saxart's is another good example of how good it can look. Now header paint, that's a different story... the old white stuff from the 70's NEVER lasted past the end of the block, but it sure looked cool before it was gone Oh, back to original question - anyone know the difference between VHT Orange and Plasti-Kote Red-Orange? WERE there two different shades used on Chevrolet engines (not talkin the GMC red tint)? And, if so, when were they used?
not sure when they went to the red/orange, but I love the old chevy orange , guess It just grew on me, I was helping my dad and my uncle on these engines since I was about 10 years old, that would be 1968...I was the parts washer....and would watch them install engines in all sorts of cool cars....57 chevy's 65 Impala ss . uncle would buy them , and flip them,,,I learned quite a bit from watching..
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