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Old 04-25-2017, 08:06 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Bozeman
Posts: 219
When you fail to plan you plan to fail

Ok so I just jumped right in the deep end...
I ordered 2.5 dropped spindles (arrived)
3 inch drop springs (waiting)
Swaped 73-87 control arms and brakes (waiting for bushings)

Now I read you can't adjust camber with the stock a arms with this much drop?
Also that it may be dangerously low and grab manhole covers and what not?
Before I carry in, I wanted to ask if this combo is worth installing. I don't have any money in the control arms yet sI I could buy tubular uppers if they won't align? Also I don't think the 73-87 upper shafts are compatible with the 65 mounting studs and wonder if I can get new ones in without pulling the motor? Leaped before I looked! Any one with a similar experience help would be appreciated! Thanks Charlie
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