Thread: c-notch (pics)
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Old 02-24-2002, 11:58 PM   #1
low 84
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Wink c-notch (pics)

I know some people have asked ?'s about doing a c-notch and i really wanted an excuse to post these pic's since i just got a scanner (thanks to fellow board member zumo - we did some tradin' - really cool guy too). So i'll show the process with these pics.

First thing was to support the frame on each side of the notch area with jacks. Next make a cardboard template from the out side edge of the c-notch insert. Then cut out the area on the frame - a grinder with a 4 inch cutoff wheel worked best for me.

Next secure insert to frame and start drillin holes. I used a 1/2 inch titanium hard metal drill bit.

Each time you drill a hole its best to insert the bolt that way all the wholes will line up. Now you can torque all the bolts to spec and install the bumpstop.

Here's an inside view

Thanks for humoring me.

This was my first time to do one so if any of you guys have anything to add or any comments to make feel free.

'84 1\2 ton swb, 350 5\7 drop
just sold '64 1\2 ton
4\4 drop with built 350 (my toy)

'51 F100, backhalf with a narrowed 9 and coil overs, 18.5" mickeys, monte front clip, +400" sbc in the works

'05 1500 Crew Cab

'84 swb 5/7 drop, solid cammed 408 w/ fully ported dart heads, th350 w/ 10 inch hughes, 12 bolt w/ 3.73 richmonds and a locker
'80 swb 4x4 in progress: 7" lift, 350 th350/np205, d44 and 1.5" ORD tie rod, 14BFF w/discs , armored diff covers, 40" MTR's
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