Thread: My 71 TR6 build
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Old 04-28-2017, 09:35 PM   #19
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Re: My 71 TR6 build

Hi Gang! Sorry to have been away for so long! I have been very busy with my build as with any builds, sometimes we go different directions with strategy.

I'm going to take y'all back in time, keeping in mind, this project is near completion, but would be too much information and too many pictures at one sitting for any sane person!

First off, I decided not to use the TR6 drivetrain! This was the doner car, a 99 Miata 1.8, 5 speed. I used almost the entire wiring harness, the steering column(modified). So, basically it's a miata with a TR6 body! lol

For the differential, I used an early 90s Nissan 300z 4.08:1 positrac. IT's an upgrade to the stock tR6 diff. A kit is made to bolt it directly to the frame and to the axles.

This is the aftermarket AC system that I made work. It looks pretty messy here, but I assure you it worked out very well putting out 45 degree air

Since I did not use the stock TR gauges, and had AC coming out of the dash, I had to make my own wooden dash. It was a challenge!

At this point, everything is working, a test drive was made. I'm still waiting on parts for the interior. I bought the carpet from ebay and edged the carpet with vinyl edging. Notice the steering column with a detachable steering wheel.

I love my engine! I exposed the timing belt. I bought another valve cover and did the same exposure to it, but it's crinkle Ferrari red and I'll install it pretty soon

The hard top, Gary and I drove to Sarasota Florida to buy it from a fellow TR member on the site where I've resided a great deal during my build, and on a miata forum. The stripes are Forest Green metallic.

I recently had the windows tinted and still working on ideas for side decals/graphics; something simple.

And yes, I painted everything!

OK, Gary's bugging me to watch TV, so I got to go! I'll be back!! Nice to be here once again!
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