Thread: Hood mounting
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Old 04-29-2017, 09:47 PM   #6
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Location: Jemez Springs, NM
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Re: Hood mounting

Took the front end off and trying to put it back on after making some holes bigger for adjustment. Looks like the right fender and inner need to rotate a little clockwise, as does the the left. The grill fits pretty good on the drivers side bit has a gap at the top of 3/4", hence the need to rotate the whole thing a little. Guess I need to loosen up the hardware and move some shims from the passenger side to the driver side (I think) of the radiator support. Kind of frustrating jacking with it all day but recall other post where multiple days may be required to get it right. Hate to think of doing this with fresh paint on it! But I guess that is what I will be doing at some point

As info, both fenders are repops
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