"High Dollar" Restorations
Since buying my blazer last year I've religiously stalked ebay and have probably seen every blazer listed in the past year. Whenever I see one with a buy it now price over 25k I try to look it over just to see the quality of work. There is one listed right now with a buy it now price $49k. Looks pretty good for the most part but has two glaring issues that make me wonder what other shortcuts were taken.
First is it has no rocker boxes. This is not the first high priced blazer I've seen where they just left them off. Second is the coil over shocks up front. I'm not sure why you need coil overs with leaf springs but that's not my issue. They look like the spring and shock both were very rusty and just painted black. If a shock is that pitted from rust then I can't imagine it's still good. If I was going to put that kind of time and money into a restoration I'd sure as hell expect to have the shocks replaced.
Rear frame rail also looks like it was very pitted.
And this is one of the first things in the description....
"Extensive & Professional Frame Off Restoration done to the highest of standards! One of the Nicest K5's on the planet!"
Bit of an over sell in my opinion. Maybe my expectations are too high.