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Old 05-01-2017, 03:10 PM   #1
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When a 2hr job turns into a 4 day job :(

Doing rear shock relocation brackets as I've got a static drop on my '72, so I got to remove the u-bolts, and as can be expected the nuts are rustowelded on, no problem I full figured they would be, out comes the angle grinder, cut the U-bolts off and the front bolt comes out without much effort, the rear ones however, are rusty full of crud, you name it, so soak in rust penitrant for a couple days, come back, hit them with the impact, don't budge, hit them with a sledge, don't move an inch, after fighting with them for two friggen days, I am now to the point that I am going to cut the rivets on the trailing arm and seperate it just enough to get these buggers out of there. Frustrating when something that is suppose to just "be removed" eats up my time. Anyhow, rant over
1972 C10 - It might be old, but it's not slow
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