Originally Posted by NEWFISHER
For those like me who hate drilling holes in thier early sheetmetal, double stack a couple layers or 1 inch squares of 3M vhb (very high bond) double sided adhesive foam tape in the upper corners of the sails roughly one inch in and one inch down from the top of the sail. Fit the forward edge in the door jamb and insert the middle screw. Roll the sail panel to the back of the cab to get the tape stuck. Inset the other two screws in the door jamb side and whalla! No holes or brackets in the cab outer panel. You could also use the .035 thick vhb tape to stick the jamb sides on , but will be lect with the sail panel screw holes unless you know an aluminum welder and then repolish the areas.
so glad i read this post, i was about to drill the cab for the brackets, but read this and went with the tape . it was so much easier than trying to measure also.
Great idea,,, thanks !!!!