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Old 05-03-2017, 03:36 PM   #6
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

They made a TON of these trucks - they were everywhere - so the value has probably got a upper limit as they are not scare.

That said, values are rising, when I got mine 5 years ago it was in nice shape - no rust and recent tires and paint. Got for $5k at the time and there were more to pick from. Now the ones in nice shape are going for more than $10k and restored ones are going over $15k. I think people are starting to move on from the 67-72 generation and the 73-87 is starting to get more popular (people are getting older, so the cars they grew up with and are looking for now are changing to stuff from the 70s and 80s. I think the 80's camaros will be a hot item at some point, just my thoughts.

Everywhere I go with mine I get looks and it draws attention, I'll never win any car shows with it, but its fun to drive, looks cool and serves a purpose (it hauls things). Plus they are super easy to work on vs a new car.
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