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Old 05-03-2017, 08:57 PM   #2
Joe Z
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: Plymouth Pa
Posts: 94
Re: desmogging 250 integrated head

I have the same motor and love how much low end torque they have, out pulls my 350. Really the only things you can do is put a block off plate on the egr (I used a soda can), take the 2 oil breather tubes that feed into the intake and put a breather on a T fitting to tie them together. Me and a friend fiddled with the idea of taking all the ports out in the head and putting a ton of breathers in it for the heck of it but never did.

As for the pistons an oldtimer told me 307 pistons drop right in. Jacks Machine Shop in Kingston Pa. if you look it up on google and give him a call he built one and is pretty knowledgeable on them. I'd tell him what you want to do with it and he can point you in the right direction.
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