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Old 05-04-2017, 12:11 PM   #35
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Re: Why do people ignore square bodies?

Originally Posted by TKCR View Post
I actually see a lot of them too, in Ohio. I see one everyday, it's right here in the garage, lol!! But seriously, I see them daily. Some still daily drivers. But I see even more just sitting beside the barns, out in the country. One weekend, I took a road trip to Kentucky, to pick up some seats. While traveling down a country road locally here in Ohio. I saw a bunch just sitting out by the barns. Almost every other farm had one. The way they are sitting, it seems the farmer just parked it and is no longer using it. I'm tempted to go back down this road for a Sunday drive and stop and see if any of them are willing to sell some parts off of them. Never hurts to ask.
See lots of them here every day in KY. Occasionally there is a really clean one but usually it's rough around the edges and burning oil down the road. Soon as Spring came around I started seeing anywhere from a half dozen to a whole dozen in this condition everyday.

There are even more parked in driveways that are overgrown, or in barns, and in fields. If I sat here and thought about it I could probably remember where a lot are parked and sitting. My dad really likes a ramp truck we saw recently, checked it out on google maps streetview and its been there since at least 2007.
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