Hey all
I recently joined and decided I would start a thread with some questions, parts list, process documenting of swapping a 700R4 into my 1972 GMC.
I've searched the site for a few weeks finding the previous manual to auto swap threads, 700R4 threads etc and decided to go for it. I have created a rough list of what I need based on what I found on the site from other members lists and questions sections;
1) 700R4 trans (1987 and newer seems to be the most recommended but pre electronic)
2) a cross member for the automatic
3) trans cooler and lines.
4) speedo cable
5) TV cable setup from bowtie
6) lock up control with brake switch from bowtie as well ive read
7) i have a floor shift now and Kind of like it so I think ill stay with a floor shifter for the auto
8) wiring for reverse lights
9) TV/throttle cable bracket for carb
10) Drive shaft shortening
If I am missing anything please let me know, I'm sure there will be things I've overlooked and have to run around summitracing looking for after.
So the first thing I'll have to do is source all the parts, I have a transmission shop in Winnipeg Manitoba near me who quoted me a ball park best case scenario cost of $4000 Canadian funny monies to do the swap, but I was thinking of trying myself, I have access to a shop at a buddies and nothing but time. Though having it done faster and properly would be great.
As I get to taking out the sm465 I'd be looking to sell that if anyone was interested, and cheap since I'm really not too worried about recouping cost, I'd rather just pay it forward to a forum meber who would like the part.
Anyway if anyone has some stories of what to lookout for, issues I may encounter, please share some experience I am dying to learn.
oh and I'll try to post a picture of my Ochre lady.