Originally Posted by firedemon
looks like the wrong ball joint for the spindle what year are the spindle supposed to be for
Originally Posted by lolife99
I think you have the wrong spindles.
Balljoints have to match the year of the spindle.
So does the outer tie rod.
63-70 spindles are typically smaller than the 71-72 or 73-87 spindles.
Any idea what year these spindles are for?
I bet those are 73-87 spindles.
Larger tapered hole.
Your upper balljoint falls thru too far.
But the lowers fit, because 71-72 and 73-87 trucks use the same lower balljoint.
How's the outer tie rod fit?
They guy I bought them from said they were for a 67-72 but it sounds like he was mistaken. I tried the outer tie rod and it seemed ok but maybe a little big also?
The spindles have some numbers on the back but I don't know if they mean anything. The right has 50505 and the left has 8053 (or maybe B053).
This is crappy news. I've been taking it slow and cleaning and getting all the parts together. Now I need to get it done by this weekend and I discover the main part is wrong....