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Old 05-11-2017, 06:22 AM   #37
Dead Parrot
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Re: 327 randomly runs bad

The 9.6v seems close to normal. A quick google of Cold Cranking Amps shows that standard is the number of amps delivered at 32*F while battery voltage is at least 7.2V.

Double check the suction hose from the gas tank to the metal frame line and the suction line from frame to fuel pump.

I know conventional forum wisdom is the Edlebrock 1400 series carbs 'require' a pressure regulator to avoid flooding but I have a 1405 on my 75 and have never had or needed a regulator. Been through 3 mechanical fuel pumps in the last 20 years. I did set the float levels before initial install. Mine could be the one at the statistical end of the bell curve.
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