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Old 05-13-2017, 01:44 PM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Larkspur, Colorado
Posts: 916
Re: Saginaw 4 speed overdrive on the column

Dig this: Chevy actually produced a factory 4 speed on the column setup in the '68 G10 (G20?) Van. I lost money on bet for this one. A friend purchased the van and was convinced the column shift was a 4 speed. I thought I had seen it all. Not so, put my eyes on it and sure enough it's legit factory install. The shift linkage a total Rube Goldberg setup for reverse but it do work. Factory shift knob even has the 4 speed pattern cast in it. I should be at his place in the next month and I'll grab some pics.

Steve weim55 Colorado
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