Originally Posted by special-K
But when the people that just don't understand ask me
Well how many trucks do you have?
My response is always the same
"A few"
And then under my breath "to many"
Hah, I hear ya. When I was running my business with only 67-72s(5), had the '71 C/20 camper rig, 70/71/72 Blazers, '71 C/10 Suburban, '71 K/10 SWB, and '68 SWB BBC I'd get guys telling me, "You know if you sold all those old trucks you could pay cash for a new one", I would look at them and ask, "Why would I want to do that?". That would be the end of that. They probably figured I was hopeless, so gave up. They were right! Well, wrong about one thing. I could have easily bought a couple new trucks!!
Yep, all these classic vehicles out there these days and very few of them will be wearing their tires out before they need replaced. Certainly not one registered historic and played by the rules.