Originally Posted by Run Away
Even after a couple days of stewing over how to line thing up I don't have any good ideas.
The best idea I've got it a wooden brace built inside the complete cab transferred into my cab to get the distance from floor to ceiling at the front of the cab correct, but I don't that that would be very accurate. There aren't really any fixed reference points between the two that I can use.
Another possibility is distance between the dash mounting captive nuts in the A pillars and the floor, but again I'm not too sure the factory placed those very accurately.
I can't use the firewall as there is none. I can' use the bottom of the A-pillars as the one side has rusted away and the other A-pillar I replaced. I can't hang the doors yet as the cab bracing prevents that.
Maybe I'm over thinking this and the factory variation in tolerances isn't that accurate either but I'd like to get it as close to "right" as possible.
Since I like pics here's a few I snapped while staring at it and thinking.
Anyone have clever ideas?
Is there any possibility of waiting till you replace the firewall to perfect the measurements? If you had a firewall, I would say the front of the floor does not matter, because it fits where it fits - it's not adjustable. The rear does matter because that is adjustable and will affect the height of the floor in the front and the back.
I would suggest using sheet metal screws to hold the floor in position in the rear, and not permanently attach anything in the meantime.