Thread: Zane's Ride
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Old 05-15-2017, 05:25 PM   #273
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Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
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Re: Zane's Ride

Hello, all! I heard from the instructor Friday; he tells me that they did not have an auto body class this school year, so unfortunately could not do any work on that front; but, they are prepping to paint the engine, and put finishing touches on that, including new intake manifold and carb/air cleaner; the frame needs more paint, then they will prep for suspension installation, which will happen next school year; still working on securing a transmission.
I have asked him to get me the specs on the engine parts, so we can order those, and I will get more paint; I have also asked him to email me some photos, since I don't think I will get to the school before school year ends this week.

I will post more info as I get it, including any pics that he sends me. Thanks, everyone!
'Zane's Ride', a fundraiser to benefit Make-A-Wish Alaska in honor of my son Zane. I miss you, sweetheart! Zane Jacobsen, 9/1992-12/2011
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