Thread: Emp
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Old 05-16-2017, 07:30 AM   #14
67 chevelle
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Re: Emp

Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring View Post
Just like most Americans aren't prepared to run 1 mile in under 30 minutes, most of the country isn't prepared for a serious disaster. Google "Hurricane Katrina" if anyone is in doubt of that statement.

The same people that rioted in Ferguson and Baltimore would be doing so all over. It would get bad very quickly.
We live in a sad time , can you imagine what people from the fifties would think if they slept for 60 years and woke up now , everybody fifty pounds overweight or more , and kids that are afraid to go outside . When I was a kid we hunt and fished , played "kick the can" "hide and seak" "spin the bottel" all day every day till 5 0 clock , when everyone sat down for family dinner .
68 Long Fleet , ly6 , turbo 350 , 3-5 drop , original paint , front discs
67 Small window , 7 foot bed , tweaked 6.0 LSX 2004R Medium Olive
58 Apache fleet , 235 , offy intake , dual exhaust , 4 on the floor , red/white
69 Long Fleet , Custom , 6.0, 4l60 , AC , Medium Olive
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