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Old 05-16-2017, 02:44 PM   #27
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Re: Trying to start my 72

Originally Posted by Mike_The_Grad View Post
Read through the thread, was wondering if there were any developments?
Sorry, I have been off in reality land for a while. I got the truck started with the helpful advice of the good folks around here. Sadly the original motor was toast. I had no way of knowing it because my dad passed away prior to us tearing into it. I have since gotten a good running motor that a good buddy hooked me up with and got it freshened up and is ready to be painted and installed.
I pulled the original motor and transmission and cleaned up the engine bay a little bit.
But life always gets in the way. My beautiful kids had needs and coach pitch baseball took up a lot of time as well. Then to top it off I was in a car accident and have been doing some physical therapy since January so I haven't been in the best condition to working on the truck. But all is well and I am doing okay and the PT appoints should be coming to a close very soon. I was rear-ended by a girl in a mustang while she was texting. She never touched her breaks.
Good/Bad part is my every day driver vehicle is going to need to be replaced and I will be looking for a new to me 2015 Chevy Silverado in the next month or two. BUT...with the settlement money and what ever I can sell my Highlander for will be going to the repair of my dad's 72. If all goes well and my prayers are answered it will be enough for me to park it in a hot rod shop and have them to the rust repair on the cab and passenger side fender. If it is enough I will be having hem do all the body work and while the cab and front clip are with them I will have the frame and suspension parts sandblasted and I will be doing all the work other than the body work. If it is really enough then I will have the original motor rebuilt so it will be all original. That is the plan anyway.
I was told once by an older man that if I ever wanted to make God laugh for me to tell him my plans.
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