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Old 05-16-2017, 07:08 PM   #63
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Re: Funky clunk sound driving me absolutely insane!

Originally Posted by El Dorado Jim View Post
I know you said you checked for cracked frame, did you look behind steering box.....?check your steering box for loose bolts.or cracks at the bolt holes for the steering box..kind of stupid questions I am asking, but it is frustrating to me as well not being able to figure it out...
I checked it, there are two loose rivits but they're not making any noise, it barely moves but I'm going to grind them off and put some bolts in it. The sound is definitely on the passenger side. It's frustrating as hell! I've been under, over, inside and out of the truck, tightened every nut and bolt, replaced all the bushings, drag link, ball joints, wheel bearings, brakes, tie rod ends, I even cleaned out the glove box and searched under the seat. I tried spraying lube on every component one area at a time to see if I could get the sound to change but no luck. I am at a loss! It's the only noise in my truck, I can drive down a dirt road and have no rattles, just that annoying creaking clunk! I can't wait to find it!
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