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Old 05-18-2017, 12:07 PM   #1
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Need some help Identifying this tach cluster

I pulled this from a 68 c40 dump truck with a tall deck 427 in it, factory truck.. I went back to get the rest of the wiring and parts and the guy had sold it. I have asked a couple people on the board about the oddness of it and we have come up with nothing.

So, I'm asking there rest of you. Have you seen another tach like this in another truck. We believe it to be original but it's not electric. It's cable driven. Cluster also has speed warning speedo, 80lb oil gauge and air pressure gauge. I have the gauge but it's laying on my work bench not in the cluster.

This is not a for sale thread. Just trying to find out more information, parts availability to make this tach work in my 70 c20.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.
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