Re: help wanting all the info i can get
records were kept,
for all the GM divisions
but there was a law suit when NBC niteline did an expose on the chevy truck side tanks fire hazzard. remember when they hooked up squibs to the tanks to ensure a firery explosion upon side impact. Well that resulted in law suits. NBC's lawyers went on a fishing expedition and demanded all the GM records. Courts compelled GM to comply. very time consuming and expensive.
But sadly, from a leagal and statistical perspective, it was only a matter of time befor some crooked azzed lawyer was able to show a pattern of some sort. sooner or latter GM would end up paying out or settling out of court.
So after that lawsuit, GM purged all thier documents. Some were salvaged; Pontiac I am sure of and maybe buick and caddilac. but Chevy and GMC were gone baby gone.
that makes documentation/SPID's very important.
I had a friend, in the army who had an early 2 wheel drive blazer with a 307/3 speed on the column. It also had the black fiberglass top which is suppose to be rare too.
My 72C10 long fleet is a 3 on the tree. I love it. at 109K miles I can shift into any gear without the clutch.