Thread: Lowering ?
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Old 05-22-2017, 07:39 PM   #3
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Re: Lowering ?

I'd like to get a set of these 4" drop spindles you speak of. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone makes them. For the '68, you can find model year correct 2.5" spindles, or you can change out your balljoints and tierod ends and put '73-up 3" drop spindles on. Also, there are 1", 2", 3", and 4" springs you can add to get your desired height up front. The 3" and 4" springs will require a little cutting to bumpstops and possibly modifications to the wheel wells when coupled with the drop spindles. For the rear, there's up to a 6" spring. Most people use a 2" drop block first and then add the appropriate spring to get where they want. I've seen some people go up to a 6" drop with no notch, but that's pushing it.
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