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Old 05-23-2017, 03:22 AM   #17
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Time for reassembly: can I get anyone to come and help me?

Well guys, it's going to be up to me after all. (And all the advice you guys can give).

The painter I had been using to paint my body parts has gone AWOL. He isn't returning calls or texts and I even taped a note to his door in a place he couldn't possibly miss, and yet, no call. I heard he had some very bad things happen in his personal life so I won't bother him again.

My neighbors have agreed to help with the re-assembly. I ordered the Jegs shim kit suggested and linked above.

I hope to start as soon as I have a few days of dry weather in a row.

What are torque specs for all the bolts? Is that in the factory assembly manual?

Last edited by In The Ten Ring; 05-23-2017 at 03:39 AM.
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