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Old 05-24-2017, 11:46 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Nampa Idaho
Posts: 68
CS130 Alt on a 1960 - wiring woes

I've read and reread a few posts on upgrading to a cs130 type alt on my 1960 k10, and have so far burned up 2 alts from my local pick a part. Before torching another I wanted to post pics of what I have and maybe someone can see something obvious I am doing wrong. This truck was running an alt with external reg converted years ago by someone else, and the light in the dash did work.

About a month ago the truck stopped charging, I also noticed the charge light isnt working (not sure if that was at the same time or not), so I thought it would be the best time to upgrade. I need to check the bulb to see if its burned out or why its not working, unless its obvious by looking at the pics here. I'm color blind so going by colors is tough...I usually have to have help locally.

This alternator has been tested (3x) and is working, and is from a 1999 GMC Sonoma. It is a 100 amp. It has one wire coming from the connector, I'll need to verify which slot it is in. I have another alt from a 95 chevy k1500 (also a c130) but its single wire from the connector is in a different slot...which is very confusing. I do have a 4ga wire going from the output to the battery regardless which alt I have used.
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