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Old 05-24-2017, 02:07 PM   #8
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Re: Engine Oil Ranking

Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
Unless I see this person's credentials (degree level and subject), I'll rely on what the oil manufacturers rate their oils as. I frequent an automotive site where one of the guys just murders Fram oil filters. I've used them for decades on my and my family's vehicles without ever seeing an oil-related failure.
I think this is the reality of Fram oil filters. Ever since those reports first came out and everyone realized they build the orange can filter to meet a price target, everyone flipped out and acted like they're suddenly garbage. But if they were that bad, at the volume of filters they sell, there should be no shortage of horror stories.

I won't buy a Fram orange can, but only because they charge too much for what it is. Any other manufacturer at the same price (Wix, Motorcraft, etc) is better quality, and you can get the same quality for a fraction of the price (Pronto, etc) from Rockauto.
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