We could pass another law to address this........

Oh wait, apparently Oregon has....well more more law won't hurt then.
I have noticed the same panel on three craigslist pages, each time for more money.
They used to call them "traders," and these were guys where buying and selling was a hobby for them. Mostly I've noticed this with guns but this is a truck site so ya, you'll run into that.
What about the guys that flip houses? Should that be illegal too? Think about that for a moment.
The fact of the matter is, as long as items can be resold, you'll have this (there was a movement a couple of years ago to make reselling an item, ANY ITEM, illegal. Imagine that for a moment too). What do we do? Look harder or be ready to pay. I think it's just the "nature of the beast" or "can't beat 'em, join 'em." Become a title jumper yourself. I think pawn brokers come to mind along with gun stores and car dealerships. They take in items for very little (especially in the case of car trade-ins) and then sell those for much more.