Re: Truck Flippers are scum.
I personally don't mind guys who are flipping.
Yes they might buy low and sell higher. That is a good bussiness plan.
Most of the time they know what is desirable.
And all the power to them if they have the time to devote finding desirable stuff.
I have personally bought several Cheyenne Supers from flippers
Yes I paid more for them than they did.
But they found them, and were able to pass them on to me.
I would not have ended up with these trucks otherwise.
Another thing that comes to mind
Ticket scalping. I used to always do it in the 80''s-90's
Just stand in line, buy a bunch and resell at a markup
Now StubHub does it
If I want front row seats at any venue.
It is possible
Just go online and pay the price
The American way
This came from a flipper
He delivered to me, after he buffed out the original paint
I actually liked the guy
He's even nice enough to keep sending me more pictures of other cool stuff
Last edited by Chevyland; 05-26-2017 at 12:20 AM.