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Old 05-26-2017, 09:36 AM   #20
Grumpy old man
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Re: Truck Flippers are scum.

Every business you buy anything from can be considered a flipper , So some guy finds a deal on a truck , Loads his trailer ,buys it and hauls it a few hundred miles home ,Cleans it up ,makes it run and puts it back on the market for a reasonable $ amount considering his time and investment and that's a bad thing ?

Time ,fuel , equipment (truck and trailer ) Experience and tools to get all this done and their not entitled to make a profit ?

Let alone the considerable amount of time it took to find those deals ...

Be it that you owned it for ten minutes or ten years your still flipping it to the next owner . Every truck and part I own are for sale if you have the right amount of $

And then I'll just go buy a bunch more flipper deals with that pocket of fresh cash !
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