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Old 05-29-2017, 09:02 AM   #1083
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Re: 85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

To dust off my skills I went slow on Saturday. Carefully planning and measuring each piece I cut was critical.
If I had calculated correctly there was no margin for error. One mistake and I would not have enough material to complete the job and no possible way to buy more.
The bottom was my starting point and it went fairly well. I moved on to the cover for the Kicker XM20 processor. Here's where I realized I still suck at making clean corners.
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"Jake" the 84 to 74 crewcab

"Elwood" the77_Remix

85 GMC Sierra "Scarlett"

"Refining Sierra"

Last edited by N2TRUX; 05-29-2017 at 07:03 PM.
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