I would like to thank everyone for helping. I am a novice at this stuff and I could not have found the answer by myself. As a matter of fact, I have been grappling with this issue for over 2 years now. I "assumed" that the front clip was a Camaro but could not figure out a way to confirm it. I have been googling 100’s of chassis pictures but never hit the correct one. Being new to this, I assumed with all things “google-able” there would be a website with every frame ever made and it would be a simple task to find my frame. It was not. I looked at so many frame pictures I was going “framing crazing”. I was not aware of the small differences of each vehicle’s history that makes this identification possible. That is why this collaboration with others on this website is so amazing and a wonderful resource for knowledge and guidance. It is a rare treat to have others give of their time and effort to help someone. Thank you!
As for the brake calipers, I had replaced them in 2013. What I documented for the “original” casting numbers were Driver (L): 5474338 CFD 388 (or 338) and the Passenger (R): 5474339 CFD 339. I had replaced them with Right Caliper (Model 18-4059) and Left Caliper (Model 18-4060) from Summit Racing.
I have been discussing this with dwscr and using the information provided by all. I think it has been concluded that this is a 1977 Monte Carlo front end. Again, I would never have been able to identify this without everyone’s input and assistance. I would like to layout the steps and information that has drawn us to this conclusion which may (or may not) help someone in the future.
1) I tried to check the control arm bushing for markings but they are so old that any markings were long gone so there was nothing to identify there.
2) 1958Warrior pointed out the indent in the frame. Then he found two pictures on
www.lowrider.com that had good pictures of the frame of a 1977 Monte Carlo.
3) I then compared my under side with that of one of the pictures found by 1958Warrior. As you can see my under carriage looks very similar.