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Old 06-04-2017, 07:52 AM   #2
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Posts: 376
Re: Cleaning up the firewall????

Here is what I did. It's kind of up to you on how many holes to keep. I filled the a/c holes, and the hole for the fan motor. You'll have to add one for the drain, and you also need a wire for the heater control valve ( I'm running this one inside my other wiring harness, just had to lengthen it...). On the drivers side I kept the wiring harness block hole, the e-brake holes, the brake hole and bolt holes, and the stock location for the column. I kept one hole in the trans tunnel on the drivers side about an inch in diameter. I had to add a 1.5 inch hole on the tunnel, passenger side, for the wiring for the LS. I then had to cut for my heat/air manifold I am using for the vintage air. I'll show you a pix of before I added the manifold. It's kind of up to you what to keep/get rid of. I have everything I need though...
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