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Old 06-04-2017, 08:53 AM   #7
Tom Vogel
2WD Jimmy
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Re: Help with BBC in a 67 C-10

These BBs will fit in all 67-72. I used stock mounts with poly isolators, no problem. With tall aluminum valve covers they are close. I have comp rollers as well. You will need to trim the valve covers a bit and have some small pieces tig welded in. That's what I did, and they will still easily clear you rockers. Wish I had a better pic for you, mine are painted black, but you get the idea.
As for the headers, mine have 2 1/8" primary's and they are clearing everything fine, but they were custom made for the truck. Nothing is as cheap and easy as we would like, but nobody rides for free, lol.
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