Ticking Sound after installing long tube headers and cutouts !! ?? :-(
Hy all
after a long time i did some modifications on my LS1 :-)
I installed some ebay longtube headers and cutouts on my LS1 which is sitting in a 51 Chevy Pickup....
Before the longtubes ... i run the engine with the original headers. But all the air tubes have been removed already and the openings of the headers have been closed proberly.
With the new longtube headers installed ... the engine sound so far is nice, but i can hear a ticking noise directly at the cutouts...
The cutouts are sittting directly under the driver cab ....so with the cutouts closed i can hear the ticking noise quite clearly.
What do u think ....is that kind of ticking noise normal ??? I know the cutouts are never 100 % tight closed....so maybe thats the reason why i know can hear the ticking !!! ???
Hope to get some idea from u
Thanks a lot