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Old 06-04-2017, 02:50 PM   #12
Alex V.
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Re: TH350 / NP205 - ATF or 80w-90?

In researching this for the '74 K10 I had a few years ago (TH350/205 combo like yours) the best consensus I could come to is that the 205 is so impervious to any dismal matter like lubrication that if it's behind a stick shift, use gear oil, and if it's behind an automatic, use ATF. Either is very unlikely to be the reason a 205 fails.
Alex V.
1967 C10 Suburban, 350/NP435, Green/Green, PS, PB, HD cooling, charging, shocks, and springs.

1985 GMC C3500 SRW, Sierra Classic, 454/TH400, white/blue.
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