Despite several things that didn't go well today, I did have success at the fabric store. I considered all my options for making the top of the box look better and decided to seek out a replacement piece. I assumed that the vinyl I bought wouldnt be available since it was close out priced AND the store I bought it from went out of business.
I went by a JoAnns fabric center today and was shocked to find a bolt of the exact same vinyl. I only needed a 6" strip, but I bought a yard to be safe. I like the grain so much, I may do "
The 77_Remix" in the same material.
So tonight I went straight to the shop and started the stripping process. Theres no doubt a made a good choice when changing glue brands. Thats great unless your trying to remove it. It did come off, but it wasnt easy. I stripped and sanded the top cap and covered it all in one complete piece this time. It looks so much better now.
The weather was not going to give me a break. It is so humid that my dye was guaranteed to blush. I decided to give it a color coat anyway. I will wait till its drier and top coat everything once more.