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Old 06-08-2017, 08:08 PM   #1
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Location: Moline, ill
Posts: 62
Guy says my truck was his dad's

So a guy catches me in a parking lot and says his dad use to own my truck and he has been searching for 10 years. So I don't want to be a doucher and keep him from his dad's truck but I really like my truck and the current condition I don't want to end up without a truck like mine. It's a C30 1972 with a flatbed that is a dump. I got 2 grand in it plus like many nights and weekends trying to get it back on the road. Thought motor was stuck but turned out to be junk, swapped motors. My first truck I got running, installed flatbed( with saw horses, blocks and scissor jacks), got dash lights working, exterior lights working and fabricated two brackets, one for alternator and one from clutch pivot arm. It was fun but lots of work. Thing is I don't want to gouge him but don't want to screw myself. I want to help him but I also don't want to end up with something I don't want in the place of my sweet C30, it's not in bad shape but it's not in great shape. I like to ride them like I found them meaning I like the ratty look. I have been searching with little luck. Any suggestions on how you all might handle this type situation. Told him I would let him know this weekend. Couple C30s sitting in town I'm going to see if they would sell. Not just looking at the 67 - 72s but mainly like any chevys with duallies but mine was low budget and I don't have the time or budget for a two month build.
72 C30 283 flatbed
66 silver eagle bus
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