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Old 06-09-2017, 10:31 AM   #80
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Re: SWB 4x4 was totaled. Now what? Can I get it back?

George, I agree with earlier comments, you need to challenge adjuster to justify his basis of value by finding COMPARABLE vehicle priced as he said. If he can do that, perhaps that would be an option, to go after the one not needing as much work. Now, having said that, we all know he's blowing smoke up your ass. He can either find one that is for sale for what he says is the value, or increase the amount of value on your truck. Has the adjuster yet sent you pictures of the damage that "totals" the truck in his view? Likely not, as he's trying to keep you in the dark.

I agree that someone is trying to make off with this truck. The roof looks like the PITA part due to the double wall. If the fenders and quarter are as solid as they appear, then I'd lean toward dent repair of the original. As far as an estimate, I normally use time and materials for all my rust repairs as it always tends to escalate the more you dig, and I stay away from insurance companies like the plague. I think Hugger6933 would be a better choice for giving you an estimate as it is more in his background.. Good luck with this, whatever you decide..
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