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Old 06-09-2017, 12:29 PM   #5
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Re: Review of Early Classics 5" Drop and Shock Relocate Kit


The truck rides pretty "soft" which is what I was after. I have not realigned the truck yet as I am still fooling around with other suspension parts which may upset the alignment. With the two inch drop in front, the truck still tracks great and there isn't a noticeable degradation in steering feel.

The truck was lowered by a PO by heating the springs. Here's what the springs looked like when I pulled them out. Friends don't let friends heat springs......


I thought of still using the Early Classics super track bar by mounting it at the shock mount location instead of sandwiched between the trailing arm and axle. That would have put a pretty steep angle on it. I just felt that because the 63 and 64 trucks have a longer stock track bar than the 65 and 66's, that keeping the stock bar would still be good.
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