Thread: Door Slamming
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Old 04-10-2004, 02:02 PM   #20
Killin' Time
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my doors need to be slammed - outta alignment, but it does piss me off when good doors are slammed

just to comment on what race2c said
to some people it is just a truck
That mentality drives me crazy, my dad was throwing a big fence post with a big long piece of rebar from the back of the truck, and of course he threw it so the rebar stuck in the ground, and the post flew back, and made a big dent right above the tail lights. His reply to all of my cursing " its just a truck". Soo, its just a truck, the purpose of trucks is to just be dented and smashed, who cares, thats what trucks are for... well my truck might be a beater, but now i have one more dent to fix, and it will be a hard one too.....

1972 GMC C20
350, SM465, HEI
Dynomax headers and 2.5" duals
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