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Old 06-09-2017, 11:53 PM   #13
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Re: Identifying Custom camper

Originally Posted by Drew3 View Post
Any ideas on reading a faded spid? Could anyone post a photo of a custom camper trailer light plug? Does it matter if a truck is coil or leaf spring?
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The camper wiring was a standalone option and was NOT one of the options required to qualify for the Custom Camper nameplate. It was shipped from the factory without any type of plug. The wiring started at the firewall, followed the left frame rail with the other rear wiring and only reached about as far as the middle of the left bedside. The truck was supposed to be shipped with the wires coiled and placed in the front left stake pocket. The camper wiring on today's trucks is supplied the same way but is secured to the frame near the front of the bed.

A truck (mine for example) could have all the options required for the nameplate but not have the nameplate. The nameplate was a no cost option that had to be specified when the truck was ordered from GM. Frankly, I'm glad my CST doesn't have the Custom Camper nameplate that would have replaced the CST fender emblem. In my opinion "CST" trumps "Custom Camper" (and I know it could be a Custom Camper).

Springs could be either coil of leaf.

EDIT: I see there have been several responses since I started typing...

Last edited by FirstOwner69; 06-10-2017 at 12:00 AM.
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