Alignment Shop Ruined My Alignment
I have a 71 C20 with a stock front end. I got new wheels and tires, but the alignment guy said the front end parts were all worn and refused to do the alignment. No problem, I'll get the parts and rebuild the front end.
In the meantime I'm driving the truck, and the alignment is fine, and the steering is perfect. Put a couple thousand miles on it over the last year and the tires are wearing just fine.
Well, I decided I wanted someone else to do the work, just getting to old to want to do it any more, so I took it to a reputable shop here in Eureka CA and asked them to put in the parts I had ordered, some additional steering parts they would order and align it. The parts I ordered were from PST and the invoice clearly says C20 on it.
They had it a week. When I got the truck back, I had at least 4 symptoms and the truck is a hazard to drive.
1. There is no caster(?) I.E. the steering wheel won't return to center without some effort to pull the wheel back.
2. It darts all over the road so bad it throws me around in the truck over irregularities.
3. On corners it over steers badly and the back end feel like it is coming around requiring a correction to the steering.
4. When turning into a parking spot or other sharper turn, the front tires are fighting each other. In my gravel driveway, the outer wheel chewed up the gravel. Also my turning radius is larger than it was before.
I'm taking the truck back in on Monday (6-12). I'm afraid they either did the alignment to spec but there is something horribly wrong with the install of the parts, or the wrong parts, or they didn't do the alignment to spec because they couldn't.
Anyone else ever have this experience? Any alignment guys out there have any idea what might be happening here?
Help, they took a perfectly riding and steering truck and made is so much worse!!