Thread: Door Slamming
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Old 04-10-2004, 09:24 PM   #21
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Originally posted by Longhorn Man
My dad has to be the worst one when it comes to that, in his opinion, anything over 15 yrs old should be crushed, and anything that gets less than 25 MPG needs to be against the in hes eyes, my truck is the worst thing on the road.
I'll tell him not to slam the door, and 5 seconds later, he'll slam the door on the "old piece of sh!t". I'll tell him not to open the wingvent, (rivit is missing) and wouldn't you know it, every single time, one block from the house, he's opening the wing vent...had to catch it once. Everyone else does the door slamming, and I get all over everyone of them, but it seems in the "everage joe's" mind, that old vehicles need slammed.
No offense...he seems to have raised you alright (better than alright - a fan of 67-'72's!) but your dad seems like he really needs a good beating. Probably loves hondas too
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