Thread: My 52 GMC Build
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Old 06-14-2017, 12:50 AM   #1479
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Re: My 52 GMC Build

So the brown truck showed up today with my upgraded transmission controller. Going from the Quick 1 to the Quick 4. Tons more options for setting up the shift points, pressures and firmness per gear. It will also hold 4 different shift patterns and can detect trans slip. I will set up to my liking "normal", "trailer", "burnout" and "dragrace". I hope to get it plugged in and set up next week, it uses the plugs I already have.
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1951 MG TD
1967 Jeep CJ5 1.9L TDI 33X13.5X15 Mud Grapplers.
1952 GMC 9700 p/u 7.3L diesel on air, dually
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