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Old 04-11-2004, 12:10 AM   #1
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Unhappy carb updates and other troubles...

well, its running a lot stronger, i leaned the carb out about half a turn and it runs a lot better. still needs leaned out a little more.

the timing was off some. it was reading about 17degrees at idle. i moved it back down to 12 degrees. its still pinging really bad under acceleration. but its usually only under light to mild acceleration. would it be a good idea to plug the vacuum advance and see how it runs, and if it runs lots better, completely remove it?

also, i think my power steering pump is going out when ever i start it up its making a whining/whistling sound, sorta like a geardrive, but not really. it also makes the sound even louder when i rev it up in park. and yet still makes it louder when ever i'm turning the wheel any amount over half a turn. how much would a replacement pump be?
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