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Old 04-11-2004, 12:42 AM   #3
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Clanton, AL
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When assembling an engine, use Assenbly Lube. Its a very light grease that dissolves into the oil. Apply liberally.

The best time to prime your oil pump is before you install it. Put the pickup into a conatiner of oil & spin the oil pump by hand. If already installed, you should be able to spin the distributor by hand, thus spinning the oil pump. If valve covers are already in place, you can always pull off the oil fliter. If you have oil pressure, you should make a mess on the floor. If no mess, then you have a problem.

Synthetics vs. Conventional Oils. If you change your oil every 3,000 miles, like you should, it makes little to no difference whatsoever.

The starter is the small, high-torque electical motor that spins the engine to start it. The flywheel is a large gear mounted on the back of the engine. The starter gear turns the flywheel, & this is how the engine starts.

& one personal word of advice, when you buy a new battery for your truck, buy new battery cables as well. Neither a new battery nor a new starter will do much good if you have corroded batter cables. & they will sometime hide signs of corrosion quite well.
85' CUCV M1009!!! The newest addition!
6.2diesel, Th400, NP208, & only 36k miles!
70' C-10 LWB Fleetside - Looking good these days!
05' Dodge Neon
88' Winner Escape Sport 1750 - 4.3v6
94' Seadoo SP
84' Honda TRX200, bare nekkid. Just a frame & tires.

Always looking for another project or any good deal!

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