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Old 04-11-2004, 01:16 AM   #3
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Since it seems you have been having lots of timing troubles, it wouldn't hurt for you manually found TDC again (I know, like the 5th time now?) and again checke the timing tape. Then set the base timing with the vac advance disconnected. Low 84 has a very good point. What springs etc are in the MSD dizzy?
Idle mix screws ONLY effect idle, nothing else. Also, I hope you are breaking the engine in proper before you are running it hard. New engines typically are not that hard to set up, it seems like something simple, which has been overlooked, is causing all your troubles. Take an old spark plug and make a TDC stop and find TDC the correct way, then go from there.

With the dynamic compression ratio that cam is giving you, pinging should not be a problem on good gas. Which leads me back to checking the timing again.

Last edited by NeCrOmAnCeR; 04-11-2004 at 01:19 AM.
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