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Old 04-11-2004, 01:40 AM   #6
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Join Date: May 2003
Location: Shreveport LA
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1. Power booster doesn't make it safer, it just makes it easier to apply the sorry drum brakes.

2. V8's don't use a grooved balacer. The pulleys are separate. hirpmauctions at Ebay sells new 8" ZZ4 balancers for ~$50. You'll need a timing tab that matches the 8" balancer.

6 & 7. The 250 flywheel is balanced just like the pre-'86 350. As long as you use the matching flywheel, bellhousing, & starter from the 250 (everything except the engine, basically), you'll be fine. Don't forget to put a pilot bushing in the back of the crankshaft.
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