Break the porcelen (SP??) out of an old plug, saving the metal threaded part and remove the ground strap from the bottom.
Go to the hardware store or your bolt bin in the garage and find a long bolt (long threaded portion, about 4 inches) or all-thread (easiest) just slightly larger than the inside diameter of the hollowed out plug (usually a 3/8 bolt works). Then tap the plug to accept the bolt. Clean the whole thing well to remove any glass and/or metal. Remove the #1 spark plug from the engine and insert your new TDC tool. Screw the bolt into the plug about halfway. Then slowly (by hand) turn your engine till the #1 piston hits the stop, mark the balancer, then rotate the engine over the opposite way again till it hits the stop, mark the balancer again. TDC is in the exact center of the two marks. If the engine does not hit the stop, screw the bolt in more. Remove the tool, reinstall the spark plug and adjust the timing tape as needed.
Spend the $14 on some gas. But that is exactly what it will look like when done.
A few days ago you said you set the timing at 12, and now it's at 17, May want to make sure the dizzy is clamped down good. But as I've said before I think the troubles you are having is due to timing issues. Good luck!
Last edited by NeCrOmAnCeR; 04-11-2004 at 02:01 AM.